How Asking for a Favor Can Help You.
Are you wondering how asking for a favor can be relevant to dating tips for guys? Let this article paint a clear picture for you... Requesting assistance is something that we all do. Whether you are asking for another beer or for a ride into town - "Can you do me this favor?" is usually attached to the front of the request.Have you ever thought of what that little phrase does in the mind of the person granting the request? It improves your relationship; they will like you more. Yes, you read that correctly. Having someone do favors for you practically forces that person to see you in a favorable light (no pun intended). Why? Check out an example: If you're at a party and ask a girl to grab you another beer. The whole time she is squeezing through the crowd and getting her toes stepped on, she will be asking herself (consciously or unconsciously) "This is a hassle. I am not getting paid. So WHY am I doing this?"In order for her to avoid feeling like a servant or a dog playing fetch and to maintain her dignity, she will justify the action with "I am granting his wish because I like the guy." - and that is the reason why this is such a simple yet powerful tool.
Would you do one for someone you do like? Absolutely. (Note: This technique works within reasonable boundaries, requesting too frequently or of an extreme nature may lead a person to resent you rather than like you more.) This little tip works both ways for men and women, so stretch out and begin speaking out. Get Interactive! What do you think of this article? Leave your comments below on Relationsip-Buddy's: FCUK Fast Comment Updating Kiosk blog comments powered by Disqus
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