Dating SecretsOnline Dating Tips
There are many dating secrets in our online dating tips section, this one is dating techniques on what to do to get girls number. There is no way to tell, at a glance, that a number is phony - unless the fake number giver is really stupid. A mistake like the wrong number of digits would be a giveaway or an area code that doesn't exist (assuming you have them all memorized, right?) would be pretty obvious. If a person is trying to give you the brush off then them giving you a fake number is one way of doing that - that is not exactly dating secrets material. However, before you read the next section on dating techniques, think about this - if the person is trying to give you the brush off it is undoubtedly a shaky start to any relationship dating... Just something to keep in mind. There is one good way by which being given a fake number could be avoided if referring to cell phones. Rather than trusting a hastily scribbled number on a cocktail napkin or beer mat, pretend you don't have a pen and paper but announce that you have a better idea. So long as they have a cell phone then tell them your phone number to dial in their phone - they give you a single ring right there and then (it’s free too) and your caller ID will capture their number. The number your phone captures (remember to save it pronto) is undoubtedly genuine and you could also add the comment that that means they have your number in the dialed numbers log. If they try the dodge that they don't have credit then ask for their number to plug into your phone and ask them to get their phone out "just to make sure you typed it in right" - this way you see that the phone genuinely rings. With both these scenarios you can be pretty certain that the number is kosher. After all, even if the person is on pay as you go (or prepaid) they would have to go through the pain of changing mobile number just to avoid your call, so chances are you are okay. If they are on a contract with their phone then there is no way they can have fake numbered you. While this dating technique may avoid you being fake numbered, if a person is truly determined to give you the brush off then it may be as soon as you call them. However, if someone is on the fence about giving you a fake number or not - this specific move from our online dating tips definitely pushes them to your side of the fence which is a more positive outcome. Get Interactive! What do you think of this article? Leave your comments below on Relationsip-Buddy's: FCUK Fast Comment Updating Kiosk blog comments powered by Disqus
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