Getting Back Together After the Break Up
A Relationship Dating Tip
Breaking up usually marks the end of a relationship but there are cases where it may not be the end at all... If the break took place because of something trivial and after a person has had a chance to cool down, then they may realize that perhaps there was no reason to have made such a fuss in the first place. A variety of sins can be forgiven and there is the scope for getting back together. Alternatively after a period of time apart one or both partners may realize what a good dating relationship they had after all and begin missing it once it is gone. If a reunion takes place then there can be a period of re-adjustment depending on how long the break was and also what happened to both parties during the break. It is only natural to ask how the other person got on being single but this is one of those times when full disclosure and complete honesty might not be a good thing. Even if you found it tremendously relaxing, indulged in lots of personal time, drank lots of beer and played computer games in your SpongeBob boxer shorts you might want to opt for "it was not the same without you" or "I could not get you out of my mind". As outlined in other articles it is quite common for people to attempt to "clear their palate" after a breakup with some meaningless sex. If asked directly then it can be okay to admit that you did that but immediately follow it with saying that you did not enjoy it, it was a disappointment and that during and after you could not stop thinking of them and felt like it was cheating even though you had broken up. If your partner happens to admit that they had rebound sex then try to understand that it is perfectly normal but it can also be a sign of your respect and trust for them if you do not ask at all. If they ask why you did not ask simply indicate that the important thing to you is that you are back together now and that whatever either of you did during your time apart is not worth dwelling on. If you really love and want to be with your reunited partner then you have to be willing to forgive any sins committed during a break, particularly if they come to light afterwards. Realize that immediately following a breakup people can do some foolish things and keep this in mind when any information comes to light. In closing, given that you both have made the effort to get back together and to get past whatever caused the breakup shows that you are both prepared to move forward and not linger on the past. File any events that took place during a break under the same heading: put them in the past and do your best to avoid any future breakup. An article composed by Richard Ford
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