Building a Healthy Relationship By Slowing Things Down
We all want a healthy relationship, but sometimes they are just so hard to find... The list of possible issues of boyfriend trouble seems never-ending... This page will cover a topic that you won't find on many dating tips for teens websites. Yet, so many girls fall into this problem: the spiral of physicality. ![]() What is this spiral? It's the phenomena when you engage in a little intimate "physical" activity with someone and they automatically expect progression to the next level of intimacy next time. The question is: "where is the line drawn; when does it stop?"
The purpose of this article is to help you decide what is the best approach for answering the question of "How far should we go physically and how soon?" - Knowing the answer and following it can bring your dating life to a completely new level of success. First, you need to understand and accept that if a man can get "action" from you without entering into a relationship, he will do so (especially if you date younger men). You don't need to visit a dating tips for teens website to know that. To think anything else is just silly.
In fact, from most people's perspective, it's a smart move. If you could get something you want without having to work for it, wouldn't you take it? Absolutely - you would take it with a big smile on your face too.
![]() The solution can be summed up within a single phrase: "Less is more." (More specifically, "going slow" physically early on leads to more potential for a successful relationship later on).
Instead of striving to please a man's physical desires in hopes that it will make him stick around and become dedicated to you, go slow; follow your own schedule.
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