Hilarious Pick Up Lines
Welcome to the hilarious pick up lines section! Below is a collection of hilarious pick up lines that are related to the Muslim dating. Enjoy them in good faith! 1. I've had to fast every day since the day that I first saw you. 2. Will my platinum VISA cover your dowry? 3. You remind me of the Ka'aba. I can walk around you all day long. 4. Wow, you're beautiful! I see praying five times a day has paid off. 5. What school of thought do you follow, because I thought about you all through school. 6. That Noor on your face really brings out your eyes. 7. Wanna pray in jamaat? shoulder to shoulder, feet to feet?" 8. So, read any good Surahs lately? 9. Muslims are supposed to have many children, and I am willing to do my part... 10. Assalamu alaikum, so what time does a hur al-ayn (beautiful person from Jannah) like you have to be back in paradise? 11. Lets get married so I dont have to lower my gaze everytime you walk in the room 12. Sister, is your hijab naturally blonde? Breaks over. Time for more hilarious pick up lines! 13. Are you a Shiite? Because when I saw you, I said to myself, "She aiight". 14. It must be Laylatul Qadr. Because that's the night that angels come down from Heaven. 15. You can't play basketball with a jilbab on, marry me, and we will go one-on-one our entire life. 16. Didn't we meet when I went on Hajj/fought Jihad/ on the day we testified Allah was our lord? 17. Allah created everyone in pairs, so what are you doing, single? 18. To watch you pray is a sin of its own. 19. I'd like to be more than just your brother in Islam. 20. Can I have your wali's phone number? 21. Do you believe in the hereafter? Oh you do? Then you know what I'm hereafter. 22. Would you like to see my collection of Bukhari's? 23. I need to break my fast. Can I have a date? 24. Will you help the cause of the Ummah by helping me fulfill my deen? 25. Our parents engaged us when we were little; they must have forgotten to tell you. 26. I didn’t trip over my robe, I fell for you. That completes our hilarious pickup lines in this section - for now. Make sure you check out our other religious pickup line sections (Christian and Jewish) as well as our funny pick up lines and cheesy pick up lines Good Luck! Get Interactive! What do you think of this article? Leave your comments below on Relationsip-Buddy's: FCUK Fast Comment Updating Kiosk blog comments powered by Disqus
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