Relationship Dating

Im So Bored

Surviving Love When Boredom Strikes

The little phrases of Im so bored, I am bored, Im bored (or whatever other version you like) can wreak havoc on any relationship unless given the proper attention.

im so bored

For some, the beginning of a new relationship is the hardest part. For one thing, everything is new. For another, they say it’s the “getting-to-know” phase.

What people don’t usually realize is that the start of the relationship is actually the easy part. If you’ve been six months into the relationship (or longer, it depends), you might get to a point where everything seems monotonous and routine. You may say that this monotony is normal and that every relationship goes through this “stage.” This may be true, but wouldn’t it be better if you could find a solution to this dilemma? What if you could put life back into your world?

Below are ways to bring back color and bring back the spark and flavor into your relationship (or better yet, keep your relationship from going down the drain)!

The Im So Bored Cures:

  • Try something new.
    It won’t hurt to try something new every once in a while. If you’ve been eating at the same restaurant every single day, try a new place sometime. Variety always adds a different twist for a while. Try some of our unique date ideas. As they say, there’s always a first time for everything - and that is not the time you feel like Im bored.
  • Have lives outside the life you have together.
    Most of the time, we hear people say that their lives revolve around their better halves, that they would be nothing without them. It’s not bad to be so into the relationship, but it doesn’t mean that your life should solely revolve around that person. There’s nothing wrong with seeing your friends and going out every once in a while (make sure, though, that you tell the other person where you are and who you’re with so as not to arouse suspicion). There’s nothing wrong with being with other people and being in the presence of a different crowd.
  • Keep a sense of individuality.
    Two people in a relationship share their lives together – emphasis on the word “share.” When you’re in a relationship, as much as you must share things together, you must still keep something for yourself. Your partner fell in love with you for who you are, and that means that you don’t have to change into someone you're not – your partner. You’re partners, not twins. You are created different, separate individuals after all. If you don't carbon-copy each other, there will be less chance of saying I am bored.
  • Argue once in a while.
    This doesn't mean fighting about nothing for the sake of fighting. Even if you’re in a relationship, you still have the right to voice out your preferences and your opinions. Sometimes when you feel like you’re too tired of arguing, you just keep things to yourself. You opt not to say anything just to spare you from the argument. There’s nothing wrong with a little peace, but there’s also nothing wrong when you say what you feel. Just make sure that you voice out your opinion in a very peaceful way and that you’re open to whatever your partner has to say. Sometimes a little debate is just the relationship help needed. Take note that arguing means something close to an intellectual debate, not a boxing match.

im bored

Variety is the key to make the relationship interesting - variety in the things that you do, that is. There’s always a risk when you try something new every once in a while, but you won’t learn anything if you don’t try. Don’t do the same thing over and over again every day. Take our relationship help to heart.

Remember, when you eat the same kind of food every single day for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, you eventually get tired of it (even if it’s your favorite food).

Most importantly, when you feel like your relationship is starting to become dull and your on the verge of Im so bored, talk about it. Maybe your partner feels the same way, and together, you can plan new things. You'll be surprised how quickly your relationship comes back to life!

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