Relationship Dating

All About Interpersonal Communication

Take a moment... What do you think interpersonal communication is?

conversation, comics, discussion, speaking, communicate Would you say that "two people chatting" would define it accurately?

Not exactly.

Neither a grocery store clerk asking if you "want paper or plastic" nor when you request a specific cup of coffee at Starbucks qualify as this type of communication.

Instead, those examples would be a more mechanical, business form of communicating.

In light of this, we can conclude that the definition of "two people chatting" is just too general.

So...Is interpersonal communication pretty much the act of sharing personal details or secrets with each other?

whisper, telling secrets, secret, club, clubbing It's possible, but not a requirement.

It's usually the case that if two people are experiencing int. communication, that they will be at a level of closeness that is needed for consideration of sharing secrets. However, again, it is not a requirement.

Would you say that "romantic" and "interpersonal" are interchangeable concepts?

Not always.

While romantic relationships NEED int. communication, this type of communicating can occur without a romantic bond. Examples would include friends, neighbors, mentors, siblings and coworkers.

So what is this interpersonal communication?

scared, shocked, shocker, scared, afriad It is when two people communicate beyond the roles of the circumstances at that specific time.


It may sound a little confusing at first, so let's quickly look at what "roles" are, then piece the definition back together.

Roles are essentially a set of rules about how an individual should act at a given moment. For example, let's look at the church member role: when in church you are expected to be respectful, quiet, and attentive. You are expected to not curse, argue, or leave early.

cartoon woman, woman thinking, teacher, mother, busy mom
Another clear example is the teacher role: you are expected to be understanding, patient, hard working, and concerned about your students' education. You are expected to not abuse students - physically or mentally.

When two people communicate while disregarding all of society's prescribed roles, interpersonal communication occurs.

Keep in mind that this disregarding of roles can lead to positive or negative interactions.

A teacher that swears at and scolds a student (although a negative interaction) is just as much int. communication as a teacher that converses with some students at the mall.

(If you would like to learn more about roles and rules in communication, click here.)

An important result of positive communication that is not restricted by roles is that it increases mental/emotional closeness within relationships.

winner, race, first place, leader, champion
Remember, excellent communicators are not born that way; communicating is a learned ability.

If you learn and apply all that you can to yourself and your relationship, then you are way ahead of most other people today.

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