Long Distance Relationship Advice
If you are looking for pure long distance relationship advice, you need not look any further than this article. ![]() Some people feel that long distance relationships are just an inconvenience - a temporary inconvenience where the best plan of action is to just suck it up and hope for the best until the "distance" factor resolves itself. Others feel that being "long distance" is a death sentence for any relationship right off the bat. Which set of people above have the correct perspective on things?
Let's analyze and break down the answers one by one... Answer B is incorrect. Not only is this group's view too generalized, absolute and pessimistic - but millions of people can be presented as literal evidence of their claim being false. Individuals with opinions that fit within this group are likely jaded from past bad experiences. ![]() As you can see, Answer C is the correct answer. While neither of the first two answers were right, specific parts of those answers can be withdrawn and combined to form an appropriate depiction of what long distance relationships really are and what it means for you. Long distance relationships are inconveniences that require a special approach (and motivation) in order for it to work out. If you or your partner do not have this drive and/or willingness to put forward special effort, it will be a death sentence for your relationship. So with all this talk about special efforts and approaches - what are they?! 1. Honesty: Being honest with your partner pretty much always tops the "must do" category in relationships - whether you sleep in the same bed or in beds on different sides the country. Be honest about your feelings and opinions concerning how you think the relationship is doing. Be honest about if you feel neglected or lonely. Be honest with any recommendations that you may have. Say how you feel, don't minimize or exaggerate issues, don't keep your feelings to yourself or just for your friends' ears. Communicate often - strive to touch bases with your partner at least a couple times each day. Lastly, remember that 5 minutes of truly open, effective communication is worth 50 minutes of casual chatting when it comes to long distance dating. ![]() 3. Visitation: Having physical contact is very important in relationships - especially romantic ones. The general (and somewhat obvious) rule of thumb is: "The more the merrier." Extended visits are great, but even a mere weekend together can work wonders for keeping the relationship's flame burning bright. (An alternative for actual physical visitation is using a web cam. Of course actual "real" contact is ideal, but if you are 100's of miles away from your partner, visits will be limited and technology will have to suffice for your long distance dating.) In light of this long distance relationship advice, you can see that making a long distance relationship work is absolutely possible - but it will take more than just sitting back and hoping for the best. It will take determination, motivation, consideration and (most of all) love. Good Luck! Get Interactive! What do you think of this article? Leave your comments below on Relationsip-Buddy's: FCUK Fast Comment Updating Kiosk blog comments powered by Disqus
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