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Long Love Poems

Love Poem #17


Below is a specific work from the long love poems collection. Absorb and enjoy reading it because we already have. Don't forget that you can navigate around our collection of classic love poems by using the back/forward arrows right under the poem.

Key To My Heart

I had closed the door upon my heart
And wouldn't let anyone in,
I had trusted and loved only to be hurt
But, that would never happen again.

I had locked the door and tossed the key
As hard, and as far as I could,
Love would never enter there again,
My heart was closed for good.

Then you came into my life
And made me change my mind,
Just when I thought that tiny key
was impossible to find.

That's when you held out your hand
And proved to me I was wrong,
Inside your palm was the key to my heart...
You had it all along.

~Marsha Hoyt~

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