Love Relationship AdviceWhen to Say I Love You
This love relationship advice article involves a question that crosses most people's minds at some point or another - when to say I love you. Love is a small word with a big meaning, people sing about it, write about it, fight for it, and even die for it. Once you have felt true love in your heart you will suddenly realize why so many people have devoted such energy to it through the ages. As shameful as it is to cite The Matrix as a reference but the Oracle described being the One is a lot like being in love. "Nobody can tell you that you are in love, you just feel it." But when you actually say it to your partner is a tricky question in relationship dating.
If you are just saying it because you think that is what they want to hear then you will probably not be believable (unless you are one heck of an actor/actress). Saying it falsely and it being noticed is guaranteed to damage or even destroy your relationship. Similarly do not say it for the first time if you believe your relationship is in trouble as it will look like the last resort of desperate relationship counseling (and if it is false it will be a funeral bell for your relationship dating). Worst of all, do not attempt to use the L word in order to get someone into bed, or you may find yourself with first hand experience of the expression "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned". Doom and gloom relationship counseling aside, lets move on to the positive side of this love relationship advice. Once you truly realize in your heart that you love your partner it is a truly wonderful thing. However, still caution is a good tactic as there is the dreaded scenario in which you declare your love and if your partner is still to fall in love with you it can create an awkward situation. After all, who hasn't seen a TV show where one partner says to the other "I love you" and the other partner just says something like "thanks" or "wow" or simply trips over their tongue and says something dumb. How can this situation be avoided? That is a very good question and the answer is simple encouragement to hold off, even just for a short while, as during this period of hesitation your partner may declare their love for you and you can reply "I love you too" and you can admit to them that you had been shy to declare it for a little while as you were not sure how they would react. To give a preview of the good side, it can safely be said that there are few greater feelings than to open your heart to another person in this way and to see the light of love shining back in their eyes - and to have that love reciprocated. Very often a declaration of love is a leap of faith but if you have any ability in reading your partner then you can be reasonably sure they will be there to catch you. On a personal note you should also put a little bit of consideration into the location and situation where you are going to say the L word to your partner. Think about it this way, this momentous event will be etched on both your memories (and possibly retold to friends, relations and even children if you're lucky) so if there is any chance of making it in a nice location, surrounded by other nice events that is a definite plus. You hardly want the memory of the first time you told your partner you loved them just after they picked you up off the street for getting thrown out of a club for dancing on the tables. It sounds cheesy, but the long term dividends of a truly beautiful memory are profound. In summary - love is great, love is good, but be sure of your feelings and don't rush into declaring it (and do try to choose your moment well). When to say I love you? When the time is right!
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