Relationship Dating

Relationship Issues

Religion and Personal Beliefs

This relationship issues articles deals with the sensitive topic of personal beliefs and religion. Try your best to absorb it all.

Prior to entering a serious relationship, you may or may not know the internal ideals and religious beliefs of your partner. Whether you have strong beliefs that relate to religion, politics, morals, or even finances, these beliefs are special and unique to each individual.

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Regardless of your belief system, it’s important to remember to respect the beliefs of others. As soon as you demean and criticize the your significant others ideals, or even try to change their mind, you have essentially personally insulted your partner.

Keep in mind, there is no foul in discussing these beliefs and trying to understand them, but this has to be done in a gentle manner to ensure that no offense is taken.

Whether or not a relationship - between two people with completely opposite religion beliefs – will prosper, is completely up to those two individuals.

Many relationships today die because of religion, politics, money, and communication. However, if the two of you are strong enough to support the others’ religious and cultural beliefs (READ: support, not necessarily follow), then this should not be a major issue.

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Prior to entering a SERIOUS relationship with someone who believes in a completely different standard of values and morals, the two of you need to determine whether or not you can live with that. Is either individual adamant about “converting” the beliefs of the other? Is the other willing to change? If the other does not change, will this eventually be a relationship altering discussion?

There are, obviously, many other questions out there; however, the simple basis is: are you willing to respect the beliefs of your partner, and can you truly live with this?

If both people within a relationship can answer the above question with yes / yes, then there is a high chance that the couple can have a bright future. Both individuals need to remember, it is okay to discuss the different views of each person – actually it’s quite healthy – it’s a discussion, not an heated emotional argument.

Unless the two of you discuss and respect the views of the other, you will never truly understand your partner.If you made a promise to not try to “convert” your partners’ views – DON’T! A person’s internal beliefs are extremely personal, breaking a promise of this nature, could cause catastrophic events.

Communicate, keep promises, be kind and understanding, and be respectful - that is all the relationship help – at this point two people, with completely opposite values / morals / beliefs – can live happily ever after.

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