Relationship Dating

Romantic Idea

Taking Charge Once in Awhile

This romantic idea involves understanding our online dating advice that women need to take initiative within relationship dating - at least sometimes.

As most people know, despite all the years of progress in equality of the sexes there are
still roles that the genders tend to play in a relationship beginning with dating. The man
does the pursuing while the woman is the pursued, for the majority of the time.
Usually this relationship dating system works and things move forward.

Before this dating advice for women (and men, somtimes) article starts to sound like its reinforcing sexual stereotypes it must be emphasized that while the male tends to do most of the amorous pursuit that does not in any way diminish the female's say in matters. Most particularly all girls must keep in mind that while males are doing all this pursuing it is the lady that has the deciding vote always whether or not to shun a man's advances. Ladies are the keeper of the keys and should never ever lose sight of this.

romantic idea

In the whole dating game, and its subsequent development into a fully fledged imtimate
relationship there are various boundaries that you could list. The hand hold, the arm around the shoulder, the kiss and so on. Despite an outward air of confidence a man is intimidated by crossing each of these boundaries. In his heart of hearts he knows that you are the keeper of the key and at any time you can lock him out if he displeases you.

Here is one way that progression can stall, is if the man is a bit overly intimidated by
crossing one of these boundaries for fear of overstepping his mark, particularly if he is
shy, or a gentleman or a shy gentleman. It can be a temptation to hesitate as absence of
progression can't lead to disaster, right?

Well an absence of attempts at progress are going to make a girl suspect that the fella is losing interest and that can lead to the fledgling relationship dying off. Here's the thing, there are 101 explanations for the hesitation by the man and they have nothing to do with a lack of interest. He may be a shy gentleman (as mentioned a moment ago), he may simply be having difficulty reading your signals that say come hither.

Whether a fellow is shy or not there is a natural fear of "what if I make an advance and she draws away or flinches?" - it's a fear of rejection.

The way you can short-circuit this potential stalemate in a relationship is to just take a
little bit of initiative yourself. we are not talking about tearing his clothes off and
throwing him into bed, something as simple as you reaching out to hold his hand (if he
hasn't done that yet for example) is more the ticket.

Making a gesture such as this will help the relationship hugely as not only does it help the man cross a boundary he was hesitating at (whichever boundary it may be) but also it sends a huge signal of encouragement that you wish the relationship to move forward. This action alone may avoid future stalls of the relationship moving forward naturally.

Romantic Idea - Conclusions

In short if your fellow is hesitant, for whatever reason there is no harm taking the
initiative in the relationship though it shouldn't be necessary to do this repeatedly. Look
for his reaction to you taking the initiative, it should be one of joy and relief.

Above all never forget that whether it is the man or the woman taking the initiative you are always the one with the final say in matters.

An original article by Richard Ford

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