Relationship Dating

Signs of Cheating

Is It More Than Just Their Past?

Our signs of cheating risks can help you identify those people that are likely to be a cheating boyfriend or a cheating girlfriend. It may even help you catch a cheating spouse before the damage is done.

Let's begin...

Have you ever hear the old adage "once a cheater, always a cheater"?
Of course you have. We all have. In fact, it is almost a requirement for reciting whenever the general subject of infidelity is brought up.

broke heart
The question is: How valid is that familiar saying? Is it true that if someone has cheated in the past that they will undoubtedly cheat again in the future? Is it possible to identify characteristics that can help us catch cheating risks early on?

...And with that in mind, we welcome you to a world of fuzzy lines, gray areas, and endless considerations.

Fortunately, when dealing with this unfortunate topic, the truthfulness of the phrase can be determined to a certain degree.

So, is "once a cheater, always a cheater true"?

The answer: Yes and No.

More specifically, for some people whom have cheated, you can safely bet your bottom dollar that they will do it again; others whom have been unfaithful in the past have learned their lesson and will choose not to repeat prior bad decisions.

A new question naturally arises from this development: How can you tell who will always be a cheater from someone who has learned from their mistakes?

The solution lies in the circumstances of their past incident/s of cheating, as well as their current characteristics today. Both of those combine to form an individual's signs of cheating risk level.

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Note: Remember, cheating is never okay. The circumstances and personal characteristics listed below are not meant to be interpreted as implying that certain instances of infidelity are justifiable.

No, instead the signs of cheating risk level should be viewed as simply a predictor of the probability that an individual will be unfaithful again in the future.

When analyzing the information below, the circumstance that is worse (the one that points to cheating being a likely future worry) will be indicated by being italicized.

The circumstantial questions to ask yourself are:

  • Were drugs or alcohol a factor in the instance/s of infidelity?
    Or was the individual clear minded when making their decisions?
  • Did the act/s come about "spontaneously"?
    Or were they planned and predetermined beforehand?
  • Did the individual expect the temptation and opportunity to cheat to present itself?
    Or did it catch them off guard?
  • Was the act of infidelity with a person that the individual knew prior?
    Or was it with a "random" stranger?
  • Was the act quick to begin and end?
    Or was it lengthy and drawn out?
  • How recent was the last instance of cheating?
    Was it recent - 4 weeks ago?
    Or was is a long time ago - 4 years ago?
  • How severe was the action/s that took place?
    Was it just a kiss?
    Did they have sex?
  • Did the individual cheat on you?
    Or was it during a past relationship?
  • Was the action during a vacation period?
    Or was it during "ordinary" life?
  • How many times has the individual cheated thus far?
    More than once?
  • Was the individual ever caught by their partner?
    Or did they get away with it?
  • How deep into a relationship was the individual when they cheated?
    Did they date for a month?
    For a year?
  • Was the phrase "I love you" mutually stated in the relationship prior to the decision to cheat?
  • What was the individual's reasoning/excuse for cheating? (Note: Expect to sift through plenty of fluff.)
    Did they feel neglected?
    Was it for revenge?
    Did they fall in love with someone else?

Personal Characteristics affecting the likelihood of recurring infidelity:

  • How old is the person today? How old were they when they last cheated?
  • Has the person developed at all in maturity/responsibility since the last incident?
  • Does the individual have a current pattern of lying and being dishonest?
  • Does the individual have a pattern of claiming that they are "neglected"?
  • Is the individual male or female? (Men are more likely to cheat again, sorry guys!)

angry friends ...And there you have it! If the above indicators seem to paint the picture that an individual's signs of cheating risk level is high, you know the famous quote likely applies to them.

But if the circumstances and characteristics indicate that infidelity was a one-time thing or a lesson learned, try your best to let the past be the past and trust that person.

Use everything you have learned to help yourself catch cheating partners before they make that wrong turn.

Remember that everyone makes mistakes, the important part is that they learn from them and change for the better.

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