Relationship Dating

What's Your Dating To Do List?

Checklists aren't only for unorganized people.

notebook Everyone will have a different to do list before their dates (especially first dates). The important thing is to know what YOURS is.

Between coming up with fun date ideas and then working hard to get them in motion - it is easy to forget the small (but important) activities that should be done before the big night.

Therefore, I introduce to you: Mr. Checklist. Become friends and use him often (that's right, he will be the one friend that it's fine to use for everything he's worth).

All lists should begin with the essential basics - yourself. Did you shower? Shave? Fix your hair? Trim your nails? Do you smell nice? Did you brush your teeth?


Next, you should have your surroundings in check (even if you think there is no chance of your date seeing your place, it is better to be prepared than to crash and burn).

Is your house reasonably neat and organized? Did you empty the trash? Did you put away your porno under your bed? Did you take down that picture of you and your ex at the beach? Does your room smell fresh? Does your kitchen have a supply of snack foods/drinks?

You need to know the mode of transportation. If you are driving, does your car have a full tank of gas? Don't make your date sit at a gas station and leave smelling of fumes because you didn't plan ahead.

Are you prepared for the event if anything sexual ensues? Do you have breath mints? Do you have a condom? Do you have a pair of handcuffs? (Just joking.)

sexy girl

Have a couple potential conversation starters in mind. You need to have a few ideas floating around in your head for back-up topics in case an awkward silence rears its ugly head.

(Something other than "how about this weather" or "how about them Yankees". Heck, you can talk about fresh date ideas or even reality shows.)

Lastly, have a spot on your to do list about avoiding distractions. Is your cell phone/beeper turned on vibrate?

If you plan ahead, you are planning for success.

Utilize the power of a simple to do list. Your first couple of dates with a girl is your only chance at making a lasting impression with her so don't take them for granted.

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