Relationship Dating

Understand Women, Girls and the
Differences Between Them.

Are you ready to understand women and girls, along with the differences between them?

You may be wondering, "Aren't girls and women the same thing?"

The short answer: NO! They are both female, but that is where the close similarities end.

(Note: It is important to stress that the term "girls" does not mean children and "women" does not mean females older than 18. There is a much deeper examination of each in the following paragraphs.)

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You can understand women and girls like a caterpillar and butterfly. Every female begins her life as a girl, but with time usually transforms into a woman.

Unlike the caterpillar, girls do not have to follow a specific time line or date of transformation, nor do they ever have to change at all.

Some females are still girls at 50 years old and other females become women at 18. Age plays no role in this discussion other than providing a very broad generalization: typically, women are older than girls are.

Why are women typically older?

Women are, on average, older in age than girls not because they have been on this earth longer, but because they have had more life experiences which gives them the tools and time to find themselves and to identify their life goals. Get a grasp on this idea and you'll be well on your way to understand women and girls.

What are the differences?

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The differences between women and girls can be summarized in one phrase: "mental development".

If you wanted two specific terms, they would be "maturity" and "direction".

Women are more mature than girls are, they know their own limits and understand (and accept) that you have yours.

Girls are not nearly as mature; they do not pay attention to things such as limits and put you down if you acknowledge your own.

Women are not afraid to admit that they are not always right and are willing to apologize when wrong.

Girls love to be right and actively avoid admitting they are wrong. If they do apologize then it is usually attached to a weak attempt at justification.

Women understand the concept of absolutes (always, never, love, hate...) and do not abuse it.

Girls toss absolutes around constantly. Example from an argument - "I hate you. You never make me feel good." followed by "I love you" shortly afterwards.

understand women Women want a man that will be able to provide for, protect and love her and her children. (You can read more about what women want, here.)

Girls want a man that will be able to make them feel good, keep them excited and raise their own social status. Essentially, it all boils down to them looking out for #1. (You can read about what girls want, here.)

Women avoid negative interactions at all costs, girls love to "start drama" simply when bored. Girls start rumors and gossip; they even start fights with their boyfriends on a whim.

We all know a couple that breaks up at least once a week and gets back together the next day - if the female always initiates it, you best believe she is still a girl and not a woman.

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Also, to understand women you need to know they they have direction. They know where they want to be next year, and in 5 years. They know if they're ready to start a family and what career they aim to achieve.

Girls live one weekend at a time, keeping the idea of "settling down" in the back of their mind and the thought of work makes them tired and irritable.

The idea of a girl "with traits of a woman" is looking at the situation in the wrong light, what is really occurring is the girl is "becoming a woman."

Now that you know the differences between females, you are well prepared to understand women and girls. Also, you will be much better at identifying, pursuing and maintaining relationships with whichever type you choose.

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