Relationship Dating

What Men Want...

The era of looking in the mirror and asking yourself "what men want" is over. Whether you're in a relationship or still looking for Mr. Right, knowing what males are looking for will make your life much easier.

Note: Men are not boys. Even when ignoring age, there are real differences between them. As a result, what boys want from you is different from what men desire. (Click here to read about what boys want.)

business man What men want from you is at the root of their existence. It's straightforward; it's scientific. Humans have a drive to reproduce and no matter how much they deny it, that is what men keep in mind when looking for a woman.

In light of this information, it makes sense for men to seek women that they feel possess characteristics indicating that she is physically capable of reproducing. Additionally, men want to know that a woman has the personality characteristics that will ensure a child's survival and nourishment.

The roots of physical attraction

While many think that a man's arousal and attraction to a woman's "key" body parts is barbaric and shallow, it really isn't the case.

On a subconscious level, men are attracted to specific parts of the feminine body because they signal either fertility (enlarged hips) and/or the ability to nurture (developed breasts).

Large breasts and a large hip-to-waist ratio announces to men that a woman is physically ready for sexual activity - heck, Playboy built an entire empire merely on those two attributes.

The basis of personality attraction

what men want

If a man wants to start a family and a woman says that she doesn't want kids, it's a deal breaker. Similarly, if a woman does want kids but lacks the assumed as necessary personality traits for motherhood, it is still a deal breaker.

These personality traits include: being honest, being faithful, being dedicated, being responsible, being sensitive, being protective, being nurturing, and being loving. paper cut outs

Each of these traits, in their own way, help to confirm to a man that you will be willing to stick with him and start a family.

Men do not want to be alone or in an emotionally cold relationship that merely revolves around sex. Men want to create a home where he can provide protection for his family and have loving support offered in return.

special person Men want to feel needed and appreciated.

If you can show that you possess what men want...

By keeping yourself fit, attractive, and within the appropriate personality guidelines...

You won't need to find a man - he will find you.

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